Beth Bundy is a Certified Classical Homeopath, in exuberant practice worldwide via videochat. Radical, rebellious, wild-hearted individuals who seek courageous expeditions into their own vital terrain inspire her to no end.  Beth connects each person in her care with their corresponding ally in nature in the form of an individualized homeopathic remedy by facilitating the adventurous exploration of one’s rich inner landscape. She celebrates personal integration and evolution through the alchemical embrace of one’s innate vitality coupled with their holographic analogue in nature. Beth delights in witnessing the lifting of limitations and areas of stuck-ness to self-expression, clearing the path for the return of freedom of creativity, spontaneous originality, and one’s grand prismatic genius.

beth’s personal expedition ~

Shattered + Coherence.

Part I: Ingestion. Swallowing the great storm.

I felt viscerally shattered, my core disintegrated - catastrophically overwhelmed from receiving humiliatingly painful punishments in my youth. Two energies colliding - my wild, tender, free child self and the culturally accepted methods of parental discipline and control of that era. Each episode a personal detonation, annihilated into trillions of infinitesimally fine particles. My inner terrain, completely devastated - a massive black cloud of suffocating dust. To my developing child mind, these punctuated events were terribly damaging and extraordinarily seismic. I don’t know how a child can feel so vividly at this depth, but I did, profoundly.

Heartbroken with desolate loneliness, I had no one to turn to. My family system prioritized always ‘looking okay’, covering up and hiding any emotional pain – everything was kicked under the rug. Having no capacity to process these experiences, I ingested them. I swallowed up these terrible storms, which then birthed an epic polarity dynamic – inner implosions + outward explosions. This created a horribly destructive tension between two opposing forces, painfully churning me inside-out and outside-in.

As I grew up, internal massive chaos ensued, simultaneously mirrored by the sensational feeling of being in the deadly silent and hauntingly threatening eye of a hurricane. I felt swallowed whole, shuttled into a great maw of darkness.

Over time, my divine spark became overshadowed by this inner cataclysmic process. Destructive energies that needed to discharge, disperse, and equalize, instead funneled inward and snowballed into a life of their own. My soul felt in crisis - an existential critical mass of wild, raging pain – pressurized and compressed within me. Who could possibly understand this, comprehend this? I had no words to even attempt to describe what I was experiencing.

To escape the tremendous tension, I sought out ways to fly, to feel free. Riding bicycle, with its freedom of motion in the fresh breezy wind. Climbing trees, as high up as possible – from my elevated perch, soaring, taking in wide, broad views. Swimming in the beautiful lake with the sandy bottom and clear, clear water, out to the magnificent diving tower – climb-dive-climb-dive, arise-descend, arise-descend, all day, like a sleek water bird. Swimming down, down, opening my eyes underwater, floating in the crystalline silence, circled by swirls of sunfish, sunrays penetrating the watery depths. Donning my puffball snowsuit, running outside in the bright moonlight, becoming snow angels in the drifts, snowflakes sparkling and slowly falling with a haunting hush - the bright music emitted by their intricate structures gently landing, softly audible.

Part II: Digestion. Churning, maceration, dissolving.

Entering young adulthood, these vivid internal sensations proliferated into a frequent, pervasive feeling of intense fear and crippling anxiety. I perceived my surroundings to be threatening and dangerous, even when there was nothing identifiable or overt to cause these feelings.

Moving day to day feeling pulverized and broken, life was very difficult. I struggled mightily. Being so shattered and dispersed, I felt all over the place, and could not pull myself together to function well in any capacity on a consistent basis.

Venturing into therapy in my twenties, for the first time I heard myself relating my story out loud. As our sessions continued, I became aware of the descriptive language I was using to illustrate my prevailing inner storm. My words were painting a portrait with a shape, form, and pattern. It had texture, heft. It was artistic. I heard myself consistently using similar metaphors, images, and symbols, all weaving a distinct thread between my seemingly ‘separate’ life events. I suddenly realized my lived experience was a complex tapestry of deep aesthetic meaning, encompassed within one unified field - a cohesive series of visual + sense + felt impressions within my consciousness.

I understood, then, intuitively, that my pain and suffering existed in this energetic portrait of expression. My discord lived within this rich field of meaning. As I pondered this core essence, I thought, there has to be a way to communicate with this center of gravity, to meet this rupture in the integrity of my self. Therapy sessions had facilitated this discovery, but my core wounds that were communicating in this way were not healing. I could not reach them through processing logically. There had to be other channels of connection available in some way, somewhere out there.

What I did absolutely know, was that my unique experience was deeply meaningful and purposeful. How could this not be informative, it was so profoundly felt and experienced? There must be some healing framework that reaches beyond the intellect and is able to meet core suffering with like energy. What was it, and where was it?  

Part III: Gathering. Assimilation + Integration.

Enter the extraordinary art and science of homeopathic medicine. In my initial session with my homeopath, a mind-blowing expansion of meaning ensued. My practitioner intently received my story for 2 hours with incredible curiosity, especially so around the colorful, descriptive language with which I was illustrating my experience. I was compassionately encouraged to express myself fully, to feel in-to sensations, images, dreams, and fears. Ample space was made available to hold the recounting of painful memories and events. The portrait of my suffering was allowed to come alive, and it danced ecstatically in its liberation. For the first time I felt at home and understood in the massive, light-bending, cosmic way that I had been seeking.

Within the fabric of homeopathy, everything I experienced had meaning, purpose, and significance – the shape of which became my ally in the form of the first homeopathic remedy that my practitioner carefully selected for me. We matched my unique expression of pain and suffering - the ways in which my entire system was communicating distress - with a highly diluted and potentized substance from nature that reflected an exact correspondence to my disrupted state. The pattern of my inner discord was met and embraced by its analogue in the natural world. This central concept is termed ‘similar suffering’ in homeopathy – like attracts like, like heals like.

Receiving the loving embrace of my first homeopathic remedy initiated the process of my re-integration and assimilation. I was fully supported to feel, digest, and discharge what had been so deeply suppressed and internalized. Layers of trauma unpacked, kissed with a solvent, and transmuted. Contact with my inner compass, re-established. The dark dust cloud cleared, unearthing my luminescent divine spark. I felt more steady, solid, confident. A reclamation of my core – my rebellious, expressive, creative self.  

The darkness that had protected me was gradually alchemized into beautiful light, destruction into cohesion, annihilation into wholeness, shattered-ness into unity. Destructive detonations transformed into showers of glitter and brilliant disco balls, with their trillion points of light, reflecting their gleaming rays out into the world. My suffering human heart, repaired. The extraordinary inner tension, equalized. My psyche given its mirror, its holographic ally, to gather itself back up. A renewed sense of safety, security. The beautiful darkness, one and the same, equalized and free-flowing.

It had been there all along - my life intelligence, showing the exact way forward. We only needed to communicate at this level of experience, beyond the logical mind, so alive and full of answers. Moving ‘with’ the field of sensed experience, rather than ‘against’. Remarkable healing at the level of metaphor, picture, analogy, essence, imagination, creativity, of life and of nature and of the cosmos itself. A cycle encouraged to come to its completion, a soul, wild and free - cohesive once again.